Wednesday, October 30, 2019

How History Influenced the Emergence And Development of International Essay

How History Influenced the Emergence And Development of International Organizations - Essay Example This essay stresses that there are many international organizations, which are operating as state members or independently making them have diverse function. Every organization has a purpose and mandate, which it seeks to fulfill. Similarly, there are factors that contributed to their formations, which it considers as a primary goal. Therefore, the subsequent section will highlights different international organizations and indicate ways history influenced their formation as well as their function and development over the years. Since the inception of the organization years back, it has succeeded in developing member states and offering new admission to other nations. This report makes a conclusion that international organizations were for different purposes in different times of the century. Some were formed because of joint efforts between various governments or states as other were formed for humanitarian purposes. Despite their differences in formation, most of the international organizations were formed to bring normalcy after WW II. UN is one of the active international organizations formed to ensure peace prevails in the world and to prevent the occurrence of another world war. Since its inception, no major has taken place making it successful in its mission. Similarly, ICRC is committed in ensuring all victims of war including soldiers and civilians receive a medical care, which ensures their wellbeing. They have proved successful in offering medical attention to most vulnerable in war torn areas.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Issue Of Importance To You Essay Example for Free

Issue Of Importance To You Essay Scientists say that we live on one of the youngest planets in our solar system. Yet, just like any person who has been abusing his body regularly over a period of time, our planet has aged immensely over the past decades. Everyday, I open the newspaper and read about various environmental abuses, turning on the television shows me the effects of global warming on the planet. Global warming, La Nina, El Nino, no matter what we call the weather phenomenon the truth is that the earth we live on is sick. Gravely ill and asking for help to find a cure for what ails it. Afflicted with various illnesses for which there does not be a cure in sight, the real question is, can we collectively find a cure for all that ails our planet before it is too late? Sometimes, I look out my window and worry about what the next reaction of the planet will be to the constant abuse. Will my children still have a planet to call home when they grow up? Will there still be resources available to them in the future that will help them survive the constantly changing weather patterns? I feel like the past generations and the present have taken so many liberties that the earth has come to the point of no return, it may be too late to turn things around and preserve what is left for the future generations. Strange illnesses for which there does not seem to be a cure seem to be plaguing us. Perhaps, that is the after effect of all the poisons that permeate our air. God only knows that nobody ever intended for all of this to happen as we strive to improve our lives. It may not be too late to save the planet. The question remains though as to how much mankind is willing to change in order to preserve what is here and to help restore the natural balance that was intentionally disturbed by us. The planet is crying out for help. It is our job as a collective to make sure that we help it find a cure and save its life. After all, if this planet dies, so do we, for this is the only place we can call home.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Is Heathcliff a typical literary hero? Essay -- English Literature

Is Heathcliff a typical literary hero? Heathcliff is introduced to the reader as anything but a hero in the beginning. He is bullied by Hindley and looked down upon by the rest of the household, including Cathy and Nelly to start with -"hardened, perhaps, to ill-treatment: he would stand Hindley's blows", "spitting at the stupid little thing;". Heathcliff does not show himself to be terribly helpful, kind or brave although he does seem to show an air of strength and resilience when Hindley decides to throw a heavy weight at him. But instead of throwing it back or running away he just picks himself up and carries on with what he was doing- "and down he fell, but staggered up immediately,...". As a child Heathcliff was quite patient and irritable and did not have any real background or education. He is supposedly handsome and loyal (to Cathy) but has very low morals (he tried to kill Isabella's dog when they ran off to Wuthering Heights)- . He is strong and athletic but is in no way good-natured as the way he acts throughout the whole book shows you; like- "Don't torture me till I am as mad as yourself!" The heroic qualities we see today in our popular super heroes and other more original characters like Sherlock Holmes, all originated from Greek legends like Hercules and Perseus and from Bible stories like David and Goliath. Heathcliff does not seem to follow any of the patterns in these other heroes or act like them, but more like the opposite. Heathcliff could be analysed as a anti or Byronic hero; Heathcliff does show himself to have the same qualities as a Byronic hero because he is wild and passionate and has many dark qualities, Heathcliff is very remorse-torn and moody; these qualities may have ... ... without any emotion in his life. She shows this when she talks of Heathcliff and contrasts the both of them- "Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same; and Linton's is as different as a moonbeam from lightning, or frost from fire." Both Edgar and Heathcliff do not have what it takes to be a heros, Edgar is too nice and emotionless and Heathcliff is too full of emotion, anger and hate. Together their qualities could make a hero, but on there own they are two different things. Heathcliff's qualities show him to be the opposite to a classic literary hero, so he could be the Byronic hero who is wild, passionate and possesses many hidden darker qualities. Heathcliff is passionate, he is slightly evil and he does represent the opposite side of a hero, he possesses all the bad qualities and mysterious qualities that make him a Byronic hero.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Computer Technology Essay

The education system world wide has been vying to raise the quality of education as reflected in the volumes of research regarding quality education and teacher effectiveness. In the light of the rapid advancement of technology, more research attention has been given to the integration of information and computer technology (ICT) with the educational design and curriculum. It has been included for since computers were invented, however because of the rapid rate by which modernization occurs, the ministries of education for every country must be able to cope up by intensifying the rate degree of integration while upholding quality content and instruction as well. In present Saudi Arabia, the application of satellite technology had been the focused issue because of its potential to elevate the quality of teaching and learning at all levels (Al-Sharhan 2000). Studies have shown Australian states as a model for the significant links communication systems provide for students across the nation to interact and add valuable substance to their learning (Al-Sharhan 2000). The potential of such satellite communication new instated in Saudi Arabia and its uses for educational purpose is yet an area to be discovered and studied because of the reduced equipment, maintenance and operational cause that this technological advancement provides (Al-Sharhan 2000). However, the education system in Saudi Arabia must be prepared by properly equipping their teachers, their curriculum, and their students for the changes that would occur as the operation of the satellite communication are full-fledged. The important focus of this management plan is to introduce ICT and integrate it into the method of quality teaching and learning to the highest degree possible. In ten years time the great need to close the â€Å"performance gap† between the schools and colleges in terms of achieving the goals of a world class high quality education would be eradicated if not it would totally minimal compared to the global leaders in education (Kelly 2001). The current status of the education system defined by limited technology. Studies are still underway into how the satellites can be used however, at present; there are still no clear terms in how it must be used before this quality teaching and learning framework. Planning for improvement must be based upon the baseline or the â€Å"initial audit† of the school and college to include the opinions of the parents, the students, and the staff as the starting point for quality management (Kelly 2001). Considerations must be a unified expected outcome, the welfare of the internal customers, the key persons responsible for implementation and task assignments and a means to assess and evaluate the effectiveness of the plan (Kelly 2001). Overview There must be a close consideration for the content and educational design for the integration of ICT into the curriculum and into the classroom instruction (Naidu 2003). Content refers to the information or in the scenario of the ICT integration, electronic information that the students would get as learners (Naidu 2003). Educational design refers to the processes that the educators would use in planning and providing the education for the students (Naidu 2003). The faculty needs to be prepared and guided for the integration of the technology. As the method of instruction would be elevated and modernized, the teaching quality must be improved as well and not be forgotten in the excitement for advanced technology (Fraser 2004). Regulatory and quality assurance would be increased, however there would be a shift from a managerial system to an academic accountability system for the teachers in the college as they have more freedom as well as responsibility when their methods for instruction grows wider (Fraser 2004). The increased emphasis on quality and accountability would be a response to the changes that the colleges and universities would have with a change in their material conditions as the satellite technology become fully accessible and utilized in education (Fraser 2004). As most teachers are used to the traditional technologies, they must be aware that every tool that would become available has something unique and valuable to offer (Clark et al. 2003). Technology can enrich any course subject in ways the traditional method cannot (Clark et al. 2003). In terms of assessment such ICT programs, a web-based assessment reflects the continuum of assessment types because of their nature of improvement (Naidu 2003). Traditional assessments were known to lack a variety and autonomy as well as student choice, they were also lacking in work-based application and project-based learning as well as limited peer and self-assessment strategies (Naidu 2003). ICT-based assessments would be introduced in this plan to be able to evaluate the quality of an ICT-integrated education system. Satellite communications are used for different applications that can both be used for educational purposes; one is for remote sensing, taking pictures and capturing scientific data and the other for telecommunication purposes (Al-Sharhan 2000). Their difference in purpose can point to different themes and school activities by which they would be used. The telephone link would be one of the most important contributions this satellite technology can have for the schools of Saudi Arabia (Al-Sharhan 2000). Theoretical Foundations Expected Outcome Teachers. The computer and all the benefits it can provide have been massively changing the perception for teaching instruction (Nicholls 2002). The expectations have become higher in terms of teacher preparation and delivery in relation to quality education (Nicholls 2002). The teachers can not be one way or the other when it comes to technology; most of the time, some either ignore technology because of the lack of trust and knowledge or rely on them because of familiarity (Nicholls 2002). The implementation of this plan would enable the teachers to be comfortable with teaching with technology. In less than ten years, the staff would become so familiar with ICT that it would be the new normalcy when it comes to quality education. The elevation of standard for the Saudi Arabia schools would reflect that not only a few subjects would make use of such ICT-based curriculum, but it would be a requirement for every subject course and professor. The educators would be the ones introducing technological advancement to their students with their methods and in turn the students would be equipped to use them because of such instruction. Students. The satellite technology would be able to accommodate a large number of students simultaneously and over an extended geographical area (Al-Sharhan 2000). Most of the students are more IT literate and expect technology to be used for teaching by the educators (Nicholls 2002). The teachers, who are well-equipped in operating technology, would be able to customize their activities to fit the needs of the students. It encourages the students to go beyond the lecture to expand their learning and to conduct self-directed study (Nicholls 2002). The school may have web-based discussion forums, electronic mailing lists that enhance student participation and individualized learning (Nichols 2002). The Education System. The integration of ICT and the use of satellite technology can be potential for elevating the standard of the education system in developing countries to overcome specific problems such as loosing high quality teachers due to emigration to other countries, shortage of physical equipment and materials in many schools (Al-Sharhan 2000). The combat against high adult literacy can also be fought better given the Open University potential for online learning (Al-Sharhan 2000). It also provides the solution for segregating male and female students that would be difficult in physical classrooms but would be possible with online classrooms that would give more educational opportunities to women than before (Al-Sharhan 2000).

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Health&Safety in Childcare

While the free essays can give you inspiration for writing, they cannot be used ‘as is' because they will not meet your assignment's requirements. If you are in a time crunch, then you need a custom written term paper on your subject (childcare) Here you can hire an independent writer/researcher to custom write you an authentic essay to your specifications that will pass any plagiarism test (e. g. Turnitin). Waste no more time! Tantrums, mealtimes, whingeing, disobedience, bullying, stress, loss of patience, sibling rivalry and fussy eating all contribute to at home parents requiring time out. As for working parents, everyday they strain themselves to financially support their families whilst also worry about the effects their absence will have on their child or children. So what's a parent to do? Give up any hope of returning to work? Continue slaving away at home as they become increasingly impatient and angry at their child? Abandon your child to the clutches of any Tom, Dick, or Jane who hangs up a childcare shingle? Beg your aging parents to give up lawn bowling and golf in favor of spending quality time with their precious grandchild? Difficult as it can be to find quality childcare, the situation isn't quite as dismal as you might think. While you might have to set your sights short of finding a real-life Mary Poppins, you don't have to settle for any of the scary characters who regularly make their rounds on our television sets every night. In today s society there are many options parents can take when it comes to childcare. When considering which choice to take it is vitally important to make sure their child s needs are meet. Children s physical, emotional, social and intellectual needs must be met if they are to grow and develop towards their full potential. Whether at home or in some form of childcare, children require essentials such as love, security, praise and recognition, responsibility and space to explore and learn new things. Alternative options for childcare include: a baby-sitter – an individual who comes to your home and watches your child / children on an irregular basis. In most cases they are a local teenager with no special training. However, most schools and girls clubs now offer training courses in baby-sitting, first aid and infant / toddler CPR. au pair (mainly in America) – A foreign visitor who wishes to experience another way of life. In most cases the individual is from another country and live with the family and receive a salary. Duties include light housework and childcare in which they work under the supervision of the parents and may or may not have any training. Au pairs provide up to 45 hours of childcare per week, on top of room and board, they generally receive approximately $115 to $125 per week. Families are also responsible for paying $500 per year toward an au pair's tuition costs and $3950 to participate in the program- a fee that covers recruitment expenses, air transportation, training, insurance, and support from a community counsellor. nanny – A childcare specialist who has special training in childcare, health and safety, and nutrition. Duties are childcare and domestic tasks relating to childcare, depending on your individual family needs, you can obtain a live in nanny or not. A nanny may be full or part time and must be over the age of 18. Their fees range from $2000 to $4000 per month (plus room and board, if applicable) with many also expecting you to provide them with a car allowance and/or the use of the family vehicle. ay care/family childcare – Care for infants and preschool children in the caregivers home. day care center and day nursery – Care for infants and preschool children. It may be located in the caregivers home or in another location. The center is licensed and the staff have to meet your states required minimum for training and adult / child ratio. The cost is approximately $30 per day for an infant, $28 per day for a toddler, and $24 per day for a preschooler.